Tonka Construction Game Mac

Dec 18, 2014  This is the US release of Tonka Construction 2 by Infogrames. It's a game where you get to. Should work on Windows 95 and newer, might work on Windows 7. Pretty sure it's XP compatible anyway. Also includes some weird Tonka CGI movie as a low quality MPG they threw in as a freebie. Description of Tonka Construction Windows 3.x. Here is the video game “Tonka Construction”! Released in 1996 on Windows 3.x, it's still available and playable with some tinkering. It's an educational game, set in a pre-school / toddler and licensed title themes.


Genre: Point-and-click, Racing, Simulator

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac

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- Mac

Tonka Games Free

- PC (Microsoft Windows)
Single playerPoint-and-clickRacingSimulator
EducationalTonkaSide viewThird personTonka

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Hastily: 0h 0min
Normally: 0h 0min
Completely: 0h 0min

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